A loving Black couple anticipates the arrival of their first child. While pregnant, The Mother –a restaurant owner– commiserates with her female friends about their hopes and fears for the baby boy. After their son arrives, The Father, a police officer, is warmly congratulated by his fellow officers over drinks.
Sixteen years later, The Son is now a young artist and activist, and clashes with his father – finding himself at odds with his parent’s role as a cop. Despite their tensely divergent views on policing and protesting, The Father affirms his love and support for The Son.
After The Son is killed by a police officer at a protest, The Father seeks counsel from a Reverend, but chafes at the suggestion that he must forgive this injustice. The Mother grieves with her friends, mourning the loss of her child and the other Black boys who have been slain at the hands of police. The congregants find solace at the funeral.
We end on a note of remembrance as The Mother, The Father, and The Son gather at the dinner table in a poignant memory of familial tenderness.